Okay so basically this post is about a short story.
My professor in Statistics is encouraging us to join contests for Paper Folding (like Origami)
Talentadong Pinoy (show offs. lol!) and a Short Story contest.
Obviously I chose the short story, coz I made a couple of stories before, unfortunately I haven't finished those stories. I don't really know why I leave my stories hanging like that maybe I just don't know how to put an end to it?? (don't really know.)
Anyway, so the story is about a murderer who just roams and kills women with no reason at all.
You might wonder about the names I used. They are Variables (girl) and Statistics (the murderer), you see my professor told us that the story should be connected to MATH. So I used those words to be the character's names. :) Since statistics makes my brain throb whenever we're having a lesson, I used him as the murderer. lol
So here's the story hope you like it :)
did I really have to involve a photo of myself!? VAIN. |
“A Treacherous Murderer”
By Lindsay Anne Matanza
Variables walked up to the car as he rolled down the window.
He had a nice smile on his face and he was sweet too. He never came on to her the way a lot of guys did. Like he thought she was trash or something. The guy named Statistics asked if variables wanted to have a ride home. Variables took one last draw on her cigarette and dropped it to the ground, grinding it out with her foot.
Variables glanced up the dark road. There weren’t any other cars in sight, although it wasn’t even that late. Just after ten. Her feet are throbbing from the cheap high-heeled sandals she bought yesterday and she was actually a bit smashed from all the beers she drank earlier. She would miss work again, and she knew she was in danger of being fired; all she wanted now was to crawl into bed.
She turned back to Statistics resting her hand on the sleeve of his shirt as she gave him her best smile.
Variables teased Statistics saying if they’re going to spend the night outside and freeze to death. He laughed and hit the switch on the power locks of the car, unlocking the front passenger door.
Variables walked around the front of the car and blinked against the bright headlights. When she opened the door and got inside of the car a strange smell immediately caught her attention. When she turned her head towards him, Variables saw his hand from the corner of her eye as he raised it to her face, a whiff of the strong smelling stuff, then nothing.
Variables was groggy half asleep, half awake. She felt sick to her stomach, like she was going to puke. Her eyelids fluttered as she tries to recall what had happened to her last night and who had she gone home with this time, but hey eyes wouldn’t focus. She was sitting up in a chair; it was dark except for a single bright light that hurt her eyes.
Had someone slipped drugs on her drinks? She almost laughed. Like a guy had to drug just to get in her pants. All they had to do was to be nice to her and buy her a drink, maybe even a burger. She’s the type of girl who was not hard to please.
Variables opened her eyes and saw a dark puddle on the floor. What the----
She lifted her head and then realized that she is tied to a chair.
What kind of crazy stuff has she gotten herself into this time? The nausea rose in her throat again and she closed her eyes. She couldn’t remember how she got here or who she’d come with. Her head was spinning…….throbbing. She smelled something, maybe just sensed it. Something warm, a trickle of fear slid down her spine.
What was going on here?
Variables were only able to open her eyes part of the way only to stare at the puddle beneath her. The puddle was widening, she began to shake, suddenly afraid.
A drop fell, hit the puddle creating little ripples, like on a pond. A drop of what?
She wished she hadn’t had that last beer……. But how many had she had? Four, maybe five? It took a lot more than that until she gets drunk. Someone had to have slipped drugs on her drinks.
Another drop fell to the puddle, as she was focusing on the puddle she thought, blood?
She jerked back from the chair her eyes flying open in spite of the piercing pain form the bright light. It was blood! That was red, thick red blood on the floor beneath her, but where was the blood coming from?
Variables still wasn’t thinking clearly but she knew if this was blood it had to be coming from somewhere, from someone. Her arm was taped to the wooden arm of the chair. Her gaze shifted, lower along her arm. She saw more blood. She becomes conscious that the puddle of blood was coming from her. She would never try to kill herself, she would never! Variables lifted her head and let out a bloody scream, she screamed again ad her voice echoed overhead.
She heard a deep male voice out of the darkness telling her to stop screaming. It was a calm voice, it even sounded sexy to her. Then Variables remembered who had picked her up on the road and she was even more frightened, more shocked actually.
Statistics moved out of the darkness holding something shiny in his hand.
Tears were running down Variables’ cheeks, she tried to pull back, to get away, but she couldn’t. She sobbed as he took a step closer to her, raising the sharp object to cut her again. Variables was baffled, speculating why Statistics would do such a thing to her. Leaning on the shovel Statistics stood over the puddle of gore and stared at it with interest and with a blink of an eye darkness overwhelmed variables.
Statistics is a killer on the loose; A demented person who kills women who are in their twenties to mid thirties without any reason. He moves from town to town settles in for a couple of months until he gets the people’s trust, then he makes his move. He lures women from bars and kills them with so many different ways. He dumps the women’s corpses’ right beside a dumpster and carves his name on their chests saying “Come and find me, yours truly Statistics”. Law enforcements have been hunting him down but without any success, they have counted the women’s corpses he had abandon on certain places with a total of twenty-four women.
I hope the story I made didn't bore you to death :)