Saturday, February 25, 2012

"Letter of the Month for Metro Magazine"

Hello Bloggers and Readers!

I bought the newest issue of Metro Magazine earlier March 2012 The Fashion Issue, the reason is because Anne Curtis is on the cover. The minute I saw the cover I grabbed it and paid for it. 

When I was reading the mag, I saw this page where you can actually write to them through the use of the internet of course. E-mail them a letter and they will pick one winner and as a matter of fact your letter will be featured in the magazine. Having your name on a well-known magazine is already a great opportunity but WAIT! THERE'S MORE! (lol) You will actually get a special prize from NARS and LAURA MERCIER.
How awesome is that right!?

So basically, I made a letter, went to my gmail account, compose mail and hit SEND.

I'm pretty nervous about this coz I don't usually do these kinds of stuff so help me pray!!!!! lol
I'm serious though, it would be a great pleasure to see my name on a magazine, especially on a well-known magazine. I'm psyched and at the same time sh*tting my pants.. I really want this..

THANKS in advance!

I will update this soon and tell you guys if I won or just an epic fail.. and I will post the letter I sent to Metro Magazine..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My TUMBLR account

Hello Bloggers and Readers!

A lot of people have been asking me "DO YOU HAVE A TUMBLR ACCOUNT?"

Answer: YES. YES, I DO.

I don't really broadcast to people that I have a tumblr account, coz basically my tumblr isn't for narrow-minded people. So a little head's up if you're a hypocritical and judgmental person then don't visit my tumblr.

SAYINLEZBOLAND is the name of my tumblr blog.
As you can already see in the title,SAY that's me, LEZBO mean lesbians and LAND means well basically land.
It's like Alice in wonderland, I got the idea of of that title when I was watching THE L WORD.

Alice Piezeckie said on her podcast "My name is Alice and Welcome to Lezboland"

So if you're still wondering why I don't normally tell people about my Tumblr it's becoz the blog is about

A lot of photos of women kissing women and men kissing men.
I am all about the gay people, coz I am one of them.

Here are some symbols for the GLBT:





Have an awesome day ahead!

Happy 5th Birthday Nuffnang!


A very very very loving Happy Birthday to NUFFNANG!
It is my pleasure to make a greeting for Nuffnang here in my blog, one of Asia-Pacific's first and leading blog advertising community.

Can't believe that they're already celebrating their 5th year and it will be on the 27th of February, what an awesome way to end your Monday night jive. Let's celebrate at The Podium Mall with other Nuffnagers! I'm pretty sure that everyone will have a great time.

Oh and wear something BLUE.

Support NUFFNANG everyone! Coz I DO..


So here is a short video message for Nuffnang. ENJOY!

or click the link below to see the video:



Saturday, February 18, 2012

Speed Dating

Hello Bloggers!
Okay so sorry for the lack of photos on this post, actually there's only one photo here so bear with me.. :)

Anyway, my friend got an invite to attend an event for Globe Telecom and yes you guessed it involves SPEED DATING, and the Men?? Hot as hell.
They are the players from The Philippine Volcano Rugby Sports Team.

If a couple of you don't know what speed dating is, it's a way to talk to men or women with just having two to three minutes of conversation with each other, if you hear a bell ring or a buzzer the men or women will move to the next sit and talk to that person and the process will repeat and end when the first person reaches the last person.

Okay, so the guys were really nice and easy to talk to, since I loooove Australian accent I was mesmerized. teehee
Out of all the accents in this universe of ours Australian and Irish accents are my favorite. Don't know why though. Sounds sexy to me..

There were only seven of them, I couldn't remember all their names coz I was a little hammered, that's one of the main reasons why I was comfortable talking to them. haha

2000 worth of Gift Certificate
The event went great a lot of women came and enjoyed talking to the guys. Six of them are half Australian and one of them is pure Filipino but was raised in Australia. Globe hosted a good event I met a lot of people from the media business, some editors and some are bloggers like me. They were all great they gave me business cards and asked permission to see my blog (which I gladly gave them).

Thank you GLOBE for the 2000 GC! I had a blast using them :)

I look constipated. lol I can't remember his name.. :(

I will update this post when my friend gives me the photos I need. :)
Bye for now.

My Mom and my Boyfriend knew about this, so I'm off the hook.. teehee.


Here are the other photos of the event.

Me and the team :)

---> I look like a dwarf here.. So tiny.... haha

Me and the Coach of The Philippine Volcano
WOOOOOT! Me and Kenny! Love love him!
He's my favorite out of all.. :)

Follow me on twitter:!/Sayinlezboland

Subscribe to my channel:


Monday, February 13, 2012

Vagina Day!

Scott and Ramona. ( I'm scott and he's ramona. lol )
Hello bloggers!

Okay since I wasn't able to post my Valentine message on youtube I'll just blog it, instead of vlogging it. :)
I made the video like a week before Valentine's. I have a crappy editing software so I couldn't even save the freakin video.

Here are the exact words on the video :)

Okay, so basically Valentine's Day is near and I can almost taste the bitterness.........and the sweetness in the air. So I saw this on my brother's facebook page saying......

  1.  I'm happy and single.
  2. Single Awareness Month
  3. I choose to be single.
  4. I don't have a date (dun..dun..dun!)
 I have experienced being lonely on Valentine's Day but ever since my boyfriend came into my life, 
Valentine's Day still sucks.
It is actually better, but that doesn't mean I NEED A MAN to enjoy everything.
 A lot of people are dreading for Valentine's Day, seriously I know the feeling of being lonely some-
times, but that's just life, you have to move on. You don't need a man or a woman to feel complete
or to be happy all the time. You just need your friends and yourself, being in a relationship doesn't 
mean it's always a good thing you know. My boyfriend and I? We always fight, you can even ask 
my friends if you want proof. Okay, so instead of sulking crying and eating the crap out of 
everythingjust try to enjoy people... I mean it's not the end of the world......... yet.
So have a great Valentine's Day everyone! ENJOY!

Oh and my friends and I don't really call it Valentine's Day, we call it THE VAGINA DAY! :)

the cake

da fuq!
follow her blog 
Me and my friends looking like hookers and shit.. lol


Friday, February 10, 2012

A little help from Cesar Millan

Hello bloggers!
Okay, since I'm gonna have a new baby I want to share a couple of things that I learned from the show THE DOG WHISPERER.

But first, I want to tell everyone that my aunt's dog had a litter of puppies and I've been first in line for like 2months now but I actually need to wait for another two months coz I can't take the puppy away from it's mother yet.

Ever since my Chuck was dog napped I haven't been the same, I don't really know if this is possible, because before, I'm addicted to dogs and I love them, but now I'm more IN LOVE with them.

Whenever I see stray dogs outside I have this motherly instinct that I want to take them home, feed them, take good care of them and love them. If only my mom would allow me to have more than one dog it would be the greatest feeling ever. If ever I'm going to have my own place I might have more than 5 dogs inside that house.

Anyway,let's go back to Cesar. So I've been watching The Dog Whisperer for like a year now, never missed a show btw and I've learned a couple of things. I thought I was doing good with taking care of my previous dogs but I actually wasn't.


NO TOUCH, NO TALK NO EYE CONTACT  - Cesar Millan always and I mean always mention this on his show. Especially when it's your first time meeting this dog. It's like human interaction, you need to GAIN the dog's trust before you pet them and talk to them.

STUDY THE DOG'S MOVEMENTS - Other people doesn't normally do this coz not all of us knows how to. When you see a dog ears forward, lunging position and with a tensed tail, you have got to back off. I mean that dog will murder you if you took another step but when you see a dog lowering it's head, tail down, and ears back, that my friend is what you call a SUBMISSIVE DOG.

BEING THE PACK LEADER - You need to be the pack leader when it comes to having a family and a dog. Sometimes when the dog is being dominant, you end up being a member of the pack instead of being the pack leader. Some dogs are territorial, you need to clam that territory back to be the pack leader.

CALM ENERGY - Dogs can sense your energies, if you're scared the dog will be dominant over you, if you're tensed so will that dog beside you. You always have to be CALM when a dog is near.

NEUTER YOUR MALE DOGS - This is optional of course it is one way for your dog to be less aggressive, because the male testosterone of a dog can be overwhelming to them. Do this before the dog turns 8 months because that is the age of their maturity. They will be aggressive and dominant and it is another way to not over populate dogs in our country, we don't want to see more stray dogs outside without a home do we? I don't think so.

So that's it for now coz I can't remember the other stuff but I will update this. :)
I hope this helps you and your dog.

- Cesar Millan -

UPDATE #1: Here's the update and I hope that my blog is helping you guys with your pets.

ADOPTING -  When you adopt a new member of your pack, there will be requirements, not just "hey you're cute". Other people adopt dogs because of how they look, Cesar Millan actually had an episode in season 4 on how to adopt the perfect pet for you. You should be alert on how the dog behaves around you when they first sees you, because there will be dogs who are a lot more overexcited, dominant and just plain scared. Pick the right energy that suits yours, because this dog will be with you for the rest of its life. You wouldn't want a member of the pack to destroy everything in sight or go to a corner of a room and just hides there, because it's not just you who will suffer the dog that you adopted will suffer too. Again, I remind you guys to think first before you adopt.

CORRECTING YOUR PET - Most dogs will do things that will definitely annoy you, for instance my dog Dadi keeps jumping on my bed (and sometimes he's kind of dirty) and when I saw an episode on the Dog Whisperer that is similar to my problem with Dadi I learned that when ever they disobey you, you just have to correct them until they get the point, after that you should give them treats so they will think that when ever you correct them there will be something good in return. Get it? Oh crap, I hope you get this one. Just have patience and I know it's easier said than done but this is for you and your pet it's not for someone else you know.

TREAT YOUR DOG AS A DOG - Cesar Millan said that you should not treat your pet like a real person. I totally forgot why but I think that it's a way of spoiling your pets and it's not really helpful for the dog. I will try to search about it and post it here really soon.

UPDATE #2: Another update, coz I'm actually watching The Dog Whisperer right now (06-27-12)

SOCIAL SKILLS OF A DOG - When you have a pack of dogs and they socialize with each other normally that doesn't mean they will do the same when it comes to other dogs. To them they are strangers too, so the owner must carefully watch the dog but in a calming way and should always trust the dog, because it can interfere with the dog's energy and it can quickly turn it into a fight. So just be in a calm state of mind when you're with  your pack members.

HOW THEY PLAY WITH OTHER DOGS - Owners should cautiously watch their pets when they play with other dogs, especially when they have different breeds; For instance I have a labrador and my friend owns a pitbull both dogs play differently when they nip at each other, since the pitbull has a stronger jaw, it might hurt the labrador coz unlike pitbulls the labrador was not bred to have stronger jaws. So just be very wary about the dogs when they play.

DOGS NEED TO MATE EVERY 6 MONTHS - Believe it or not Cesar Millan mentioned this. They really do have to mate every 6 months, unless you want to have a frustrated dog. Basically when dogs doesn't release "it" they get really frustrated or irritated, they usually bite, jump on you just anything that they can take their frustration at. If you can let them mate every 6 months you won't have any problem with your loving K9 friend.

Lots of love from Me and Dadi.. :)

Thank you all!

Follow me on twitter:!/Sayinlezboland

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Treacherous Murderer

Okay so basically this post is about a short story.
My professor in Statistics is encouraging us to join contests for Paper Folding (like Origami)
Talentadong Pinoy (show offs. lol!) and a Short Story contest.

Obviously I chose the short story, coz I made a couple of stories before, unfortunately I haven't finished those stories. I don't really know why I leave my stories hanging like that maybe I just don't know how to put an end to it?? (don't really know.)

Anyway, so the story is about a murderer who just roams and kills women with no reason at all.
You might wonder about the names I used. They are Variables (girl) and Statistics (the murderer), you see my professor told us that the story should be connected to MATH. So I used those words to be the character's names. :) Since statistics makes my brain throb whenever we're having a lesson, I used him as the murderer. lol

So here's the story hope you like it :)

did I really have to involve a photo of myself!? VAIN.

“A Treacherous Murderer”
By Lindsay Anne Matanza

Variables walked up to the car as he rolled down the window.
He had a nice smile on his face and he was sweet too. He never came on to her the way a lot of guys did. Like he thought she was trash or something. The guy named Statistics asked if variables wanted to have a ride home. Variables took one last draw on her cigarette and dropped it to the ground, grinding it out with her foot.
Variables glanced up the dark road. There weren’t any other cars in sight, although it wasn’t even that late. Just after ten. Her feet are throbbing from the cheap high-heeled sandals she bought yesterday and she was actually a bit smashed from all the beers she drank earlier. She would miss work again, and she knew she was in danger of being fired; all she wanted now was to crawl into bed.
She turned back to Statistics resting her hand on the sleeve of his shirt as she gave him her best smile.
Variables teased Statistics saying if they’re going to spend the night outside and freeze to death. He laughed and hit the switch on the power locks of the car, unlocking the front passenger door.
Variables walked around the front of the car and blinked against the bright headlights. When she opened the door and got inside of the car a strange smell immediately caught her attention. When she turned her head towards him, Variables saw his hand from the corner of her eye as he raised it to her face, a whiff of the strong smelling stuff, then nothing.
Variables was groggy half asleep, half awake. She felt sick to her stomach, like she was going to puke. Her eyelids fluttered as she tries to recall what had happened to her last night and who had she gone home with this time, but hey eyes wouldn’t focus. She was sitting up in a chair; it was dark except for a single bright light that hurt her eyes.
Had someone slipped drugs on her drinks? She almost laughed. Like a guy had to drug just to get in her pants. All they had to do was to be nice to her and buy her a drink, maybe even a burger. She’s the type of girl who was not hard to please.
Variables opened her eyes and saw a dark puddle on the floor. What the----
She lifted her head and then realized that she is tied to a chair.
What kind of crazy stuff has she gotten herself into this time? The nausea rose in her throat again and she closed her eyes. She couldn’t remember how she got here or who she’d come with. Her head was spinning…….throbbing. She smelled something, maybe just sensed it. Something warm, a trickle of fear slid down her spine.
What was going on here?
Variables were only able to open her eyes part of the way only to stare at the puddle beneath her. The puddle was widening, she began to shake, suddenly afraid.
A drop fell, hit the puddle creating little ripples, like on a pond. A drop of what?
She wished she hadn’t had that last beer……. But how many had she had? Four, maybe five? It took a lot more than that until she gets drunk. Someone had to have slipped drugs on her drinks.
Another drop fell to the puddle, as she was focusing on the puddle she thought, blood?
She jerked back from the chair her eyes flying open in spite of the piercing pain form the bright light. It was blood! That was red, thick red blood on the floor beneath her, but where was the blood coming from?
Variables still wasn’t thinking clearly but she knew if this was blood it had to be coming from somewhere, from someone. Her arm was taped to the wooden arm of the chair. Her gaze shifted, lower along her arm. She saw more blood. She becomes conscious that the puddle of blood was coming from her. She would never try to kill herself, she would never! Variables lifted her head and let out a bloody scream, she screamed again ad her voice echoed overhead.
She heard a deep male voice out of the darkness telling her to stop screaming. It was a calm voice, it even sounded sexy to her. Then Variables remembered who had picked her up on the road and she was even more frightened, more shocked actually.
Statistics moved out of the darkness holding something shiny in his hand.
Tears were running down Variables’ cheeks, she tried to pull back, to get away, but she couldn’t. She sobbed as he took a step closer to her, raising the sharp object to cut her again. Variables was baffled, speculating why Statistics would do such a thing to her. Leaning on the shovel Statistics stood over the puddle of gore and stared at it with interest and with a blink of an eye darkness overwhelmed variables.
Statistics is a killer on the loose; A demented person who kills women who are in their twenties to mid thirties without any reason. He moves from town to town settles in for a couple of months until he gets the people’s trust, then he makes his move. He lures women from bars and kills them with so many different ways. He dumps the women’s corpses’ right beside a dumpster and carves his name on their chests saying “Come and find me, yours truly Statistics”. Law enforcements have been hunting him down but without any success, they have counted the women’s corpses he had abandon on certain places with a total of twenty-four women.

I hope the story I made didn't bore you to death :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


A week ago I decided to cut my hair really short, I have gone short before but not like this.
This time my hair is like Rihanna short. To me my long hair is like a protective blanket, but now that I lost my protective-blanky I feel so exposed for everyone to see. 

So here's a picture of my shortest hair ever. :)

I haven't done this for a really long time, my hair before was at least waist length.. It's really long, then just out of the blue I decided to have short hair..
My friends were like "She won't do it. She say things like that but never do it." but when they saw they were all taken aback.. :)

Long hair.

As you can see it's really long.
So far there are no negative statements about my hair and I'm loving this new look.


I appreciate all the great remarks I've been getting from my friends and other people.
It took a lot of guts for me to have this hair.. I hope other people can do this kind of risks.


I tried to color my hair red, but it turns out I won't be able to go to school when I have red hair. :(
Totally sucks, it looked awesome, but I had to dye my hair to dark brown..
A little more chemicals on my hair I might go bald!
So here's a little photo of the red hair.. :)

RED!!!!! teehee